Bishop David Brown School

Bishop David Brown School is based in Sheerwater in Woking. The school has benefitted from extensive improvements to its facilities over several years culminating in the construction of a brand new sports centre in the summer of 2021. Students now have the use of an all-weather pitch, sports hall and swimming pool as part of the school’s PE and enrichment offer.

The students and staff are committed to transforming the school into one which is exceptional. At Bishop David Brown School our desire is to ensure that all students are challenged to achieve academic success. In addition, we aim to give all our students opportunities and experiences to learn beyond the classroom and we strive to ensure all our students feel both happy and safe.

My vision is simple; that all students achieve their full potential no matter what their starting point or background. There are no shortcuts, no excuses, just a great deal of hard work. We expect the highest standards of behaviour and attitudes towards learning. We want our students to enjoy coming to school each day. They should be polite to one another, be positive at all times, show resilience when meeting challenges and show pride in our school.

We would welcome the opportunity to show you more of what we can offer your child. Please do get in touch if you would like to visit the school.

Mr J Rodgers
Head of School